
Pat Molloy (candidate for Mayor)

1. Should municipalities in the Lake Simcoe watershed work with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Government of Ontario to develop and implement a plan to reduce Lake Simcoe’s phosphorus loadings to 44 tonnes per year by 2026?


2. Should municipalities in the Lake Simcoe watershed work with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Government of Ontario to develop and implement a plan to ensure that by 2026, at least 40% of Lake Simcoe’s watershed consists of high quality connected forests, wetlands and meadows?


3. Should the LSRCA establish a process for receiving and reviewing submissions from the public with respect to all Section 28 permit applications pertaining to Lake Simcoe’s wetlands, floodplains and shorelines?


4. Should the Development Charges Act amended to allow municipalities to recover 100% of their additional infrastructure costs to service new residential and commercial projects from their developers?



Deputy Mayor

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Councillor and Regional Councillor

Amanda Brannigan (candidate for Councillor Ward 1)

1. Should municipalities in the Lake Simcoe watershed work with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Government of Ontario to develop and implement a plan to reduce Lake Simcoe’s phosphorus loadings to 44 tonnes per year by 2026?


Municipalities in the Lake Simcoe watershed should work closely with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and other affected conservation authorities, and related government agencies. The Township of Uxbridge has an advisory committee (Uxbridge Watershed Advisory Committee) which actively participates in these matters, amongst other things.

2. Should municipalities in the Lake Simcoe watershed work with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Government of Ontario to develop and implement a plan to ensure that by 2026, at least 40% of Lake Simcoe’s watershed consists of high quality connected forests, wetlands and meadows?


The Township of Uxbridge, in cooperation with the Uxbridge Watershed Advisory Committee, should work closely with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority in the development and implementation of a plan to ensure at least 40% of Lake Simcoe's watershed consists of high quality connected forests, wetlands and meadows. The Township of Uxbridge can help to ensure that this objective is achieved by making resources available, and upholding its commitments and obligations with respect to this matter.

3. Should the LSRCA establish a process for receiving and reviewing submissions from the public with respect to all Section 28 permit applications pertaining to Lake Simcoe’s wetlands, floodplains and shorelines?


The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority should most certainly establish a process for receiving and reviewing submissions from the public with respect to all Section 28 permit applications pertaining to Lake Simcoe’s wetlands, floodplains and shorelines. It is the residents of these, and the surrounding lands that have the stewardship and rights to protect our natural environment.

4. Should the Development Charges Act be amended to allow municipalities to recover 100% of their additional infrastructure costs to service new residential and commercial projects from their developers?


Municipalities should have the right and ability to recover 100% of the additional infrastructure costs related to new residential and commercial projects from developers. Often, our land is over developed, and additional long term burdens (environmental and monetary) are placed on municipalities and their residents to address, while developers simply move on to new vacant land.


Gordon Shreeve (candidate for Councillor Ward 2)

1. Should municipalities in the Lake Simcoe watershed work with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Government of Ontario to develop and implement a plan to reduce Lake Simcoe’s phosphorus loadings to 44 tonnes per year by 2026?


2. Should municipalities in the Lake Simcoe watershed work with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Government of Ontario to develop and implement a plan to ensure that by 2026, at least 40% of Lake Simcoe’s watershed consists of high quality connected forests, wetlands and meadows?


3. Should the LSRCA establish a process for receiving and reviewing submissions from the public with respect to all Section 28 permit applications pertaining to Lake Simcoe’s wetlands, floodplains and shorelines?


4. Should the Development Charges Act be amended to allow municipalities to recover 100% of their additional infrastructure costs to service new residential and commercial projects from their developers?


Uncertain at this point.


Bruce Garrod (candidate for Councillor Ward 3)

1. Should municipalities in the Lake Simcoe watershed work with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Government of Ontario to develop and implement a plan to reduce Lake Simcoe’s phosphorus loadings to 44 tonnes per year by 2026?


A commitment without a plan to back it up will never be met. It's easy to say something will be changed but without specific action items, dependencies, resources (human and financial) and a risk management plan, nothing will happen. While creating a plan is a critical step, real action comes from delivering on the plan. Relentless follow up and ensuring commitments are fulfilled will lead to a true phosphorus reduction strategy.

2. Should municipalities in the Lake Simcoe watershed work with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Government of Ontario to develop and implement a plan to ensure that by 2026, at least 40% of Lake Simcoe’s watershed consists of high quality connected forests, wetlands and meadows?


I met an uxbridge family who has property on Lake Simcoe. It is well known where a large amount of the phosphorous originates. As noted above, the responsible municipalities and the LSRCA and Ontario Government need to create a specific plan and manage the stages as a project. Plan; execute and close. The same can be said for the connected forests, wetlands and meadows. It obviously cant be achieved overnight, but establishing a phased-project approach will lead to inevitable progress

3. Should the LSRCA establish a process for receiving and reviewing submissions from the public with respect to all Section 28 permit applications pertaining to Lake Simcoe’s wetlands, floodplains and shorelines?


I won't bluff and act is if I understand the details of Section 28 permit applications. That said, reviewing concerns submitted by the public is always a good approach. Will all concerns be satisfied? Obviously not, but respecting affected stakeholders is key to any process's success.

4. Should the Development Charges Act be amended to allow municipalities to recover 100% of their additional infrastructure costs to service new residential and commercial projects from their developers?


The reason I say maybe is there is a need to establish balance between recovering the near term costs of commercial and residential development with the need to allow controlled growth. Uxbridge is blessed with a near-idyllic location. Our location on the moraine and within the LSRCA is an enviable position. We cannot however be restricted from allowing businesses to grow and neighbourhoods to be built. The Township would slowly crumble. Currently the Township, LSRCA and Province appear to be in a confrontational position. I support revisiting the relationship and developing a strategy that allows growth that genuinely supports the need to save water, forests, wetlands and meadows.