Ken Imrie on February 18, 2020
1. Do you support Lake Simcoe Watch’s recommendation that the Government of Ontario should develop a plan to reduce Lake Simcoe’s phosphorus pollution to 44 tonnes per year by 2026? If no, do you support the achievement of the 44 tonne per year target by a later date? If yes, please specify the date.
Extremely informative and very well done! Absolutely agree with the 44 tones target! Lake Simcoe draws a number of tourists not only from within the country ,but, also outside. This is beautiful lake and a great asset to the province of Ontario!
2. Do you support Lake Simcoe Watch’s proposed actions to reduce Lake Simcoe’s phosphorus pollution? If no, please explain why not and outline alternative actions that you believe should be taken to reduce Lake Simcoe’s phosphorus pollution?
Absolutely support
3. Do you agree that the Development Charges Act should be amended to permit the Government of Ontario and Lake Simcoe municipalities to levy development charges to recover 100% of their costs of reducing Lake Simcoe’s phosphorus pollution? If no, please explain why not and outline how you believe the pollution reduction measures should be paid for.
4. Please provide any other comments about Lake Simcoe Watch’s report: Cleaning Up Lake Simcoe: A Discussion Paper.
It is essential we protect this lake not only for it's beauty, but, also the major contibution it makes to sustain nature! Let's not forget the major financial benefit to all the townships, cities, and towns that surround the lake
. Perhaps the support of the fish and wildlife club could be obtained they certainly would have a concern and interest in protecting the lake?